Dr. Karlee Sapoznik Evans, Deputy Manitoba Advocate, Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth
Series: Visiting Community Researcher Talk
On Apr. 14, 2023, the Centre for Human Rights Research hosted a presentation with our Visiting Community Researcher, Dr. Karlee Sapoznik Evans, Deputy Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth.
Dr. Evans discussed Manitoba Advocate’s latest special report. The report, the first of its kind, follows 671 Manitoba children and youth exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV) in April 2019 in order to understand their pathways through service responses from police, Victim Services, and Child and Family Services. The report repositions children exposed to IPV as centrally-impacted victims with rights to services. Informed by the voices of young people with lived experience, the Manitoba Advocate’s Elders Council, and service providers, it contains seven recommendations to improve the effectiveness and responsiveness of services for children, youth, and families in Manitoba. Read the report at: https://manitobaadvocate.ca/wp-content/uploads/MACY-Special-Report-Every-Two-Hours.pdf
If you would like to access the recording of this event please contact chrrman@umanitoba.ca.

If you would like to access the recording of this event please contact chrrman@umanitoba.ca.