Harsha Walia, Author, Activist, and Organizer
Dr. Alex Wilson (Opaskwayak Cree Nation), Department of Educational Foundations, University of Saskatchewan
On June 25, 2021, the Centre for Human Rights Research (CHRR) hosted At the Forks: A Virtual Launch.
Series: Critical Conversations 2023
On Feb. 17, 2023, CHRR welcomed Harsha Walia and Dr. Alex Wilson for a conversation entitled Talking Borders, Colonialism, Resistance, and Human Rights.
Walia and Wilson shared their perspectives on diverse issues. These included: The most meaningful and powerful forms of resistance to colonial, radicalized, or gendered borders that they have witnessed or participated in, the people and communities that are most effected by radicalized, colonial and gendered borders and who is crucial to resisting them, the impact and legacy of Idle No More, the ways in which the logic of borders works through gendered and sexualized logics, as well as imperial and radicalized ones, and the relationship between resistance, research, teaching, and writing.