Join the Centre for Human Rights Research on Wednesday, November 27th at 2:30 pm as we host Dr. Tracey Bone for a workshop on “Research with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Populations: Incorporating a Deaf-Centric Lens.” Participants in the workshop will learn how to incorporate a deaf-centric lens in working with deaf and hard-of-hearing populations. Dr. Tracey Bone will be co-presenting with with Sherry Clark (Manitoba Possible), Jenna-Lee Irwin (Manitoba Possible), and Karamat Kelani (PhD student, UManitoba).
Dr. Tracey Bone, MSW, RSW, is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Work, University of Manitoba. A Social Worker for over 35 years, her research focuses on three intersecting areas: community mental health, human rights (Deaf studies), and social justice. A critical participatory action researcher Tracey’s has worked in and alongside the Deaf community for many years. Recent work, and the focus of this presentation, explored the intersection of language rights, healthcare, and barriers to access resulting from audism.
This workshop is open to UM students, staff, and faculty. ASL interpretation will be available. Register now:
The event will take place in Room 222 Education, Fort Garry Campus, University of Manitoba. For information on getting to the University of Manitoba, please see: