The Centre for Human Rights Research (CHRR) and the Faculty of Arts at the University of Manitoba, hosted Mostafa Henaway (Immigrant Workers Centre – Montreal) for a lecture titled No One is Disposable: On Migration, Capitalism, and Class in Canada on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 6:00 pm in 118 St. John’s College, University of Manitoba Fort Garry Campus.
Henaway, a Canadian-born Egyptian, is a long-time community organizer at the Immigrant Workers Centre in Montreal, where he has been organizing for justice for immigrant/migrant workers for over two decades. He is also a researcher and PhD candidate at Concordia University. In his new book, Essential Work, Disposable Workers: Migration, Capitalism and Class, he examines “the massive expansion of precarious work under neoliberalism and how migrant workers are challenging the conditions of their hyper-exploitation through struggles for worker rights and justice.”
To view a recording from the lecture, check out our Resource Hub.
To learn more, check out “Migrant Justice and Human Rights: A Resource Guide” by Angela Ciceron.