Dr. Jocelyn Thorpe is an associate professor in Women’s & Gender Studies and History. Her research examines the history and legacies of colonialism in the Canadian context, seeking to understand how past discourses and relationships of power lead to and naturalize present-day social and environmental inequities. Drawing from critical race, feminist and environmental studies scholarship, her work aims to open up possibilities for just relationships to emerge among humans and between humans and the non-human world.
Joe, Chief Mi’sel, Sheila O’Neill, Jessica Bound and Jocelyn Thorpe. 2023. “Newfoundland Mi’kmaw Resistance and Vibrancy in a History of Erasure.” Canadian Historical Review 103, no. 3.,
Thorpe, Jocelyn, and Kaila Johnston. 2023. “More Than Entertainment: Indigenous Women Are Teaching through Filmmaking”. At The Forks 2 (1). https://ojs.lib.umanitoba.ca/index.php/forks/article/view/936.,
Thorpe, Jocelyn, Stephanie Rutherford and L. Anders Sandberg, eds. 2017. “Methodological Challenges in Nature-Culture and Environmental History Research.” London and New York: Routledge.
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