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Lindsay Larios


Assistant Professor


Dr. Lindsay Larios is an assistant professor in social work and interdisciplinary critical policy researcher. She studies citizenship and immigration in the Canadian context, in particular, as it intersects with family and reproductive politics and policies. Her most recent work focuses on the politics of pregnancy and childbirth and precarious migration as an issue of reproductive justice.


Larios, Lindsay, et al. 2023. Healthcare is a Human Right: International Students Speak Out on Healthcare Inaccessibility in Manitoba.” Winnipeg, MB: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. https://policyalternatives.ca/publications/reports/healthcare-human-right

Larios, Lindsay. 2023. “The Problematization of Migrant Maternity: Implications of the ‘Passport Baby’ Narrative in the Canadian Context.” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 30 (2): 397–421.,

Abji, Salina, and Lindsay Larios. 2022. “Migrant Justice as Reproductive Justice: Birthright Citizenship and the Politics of Immigration Detention for Pregnant Women in Canada.” Citizenship Studies 25 (2): 253–72.,

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