Dr. Pamela Orr is a physician, teacher, administrator and researcher with an interest in circumpolar and Indigenous health. Her current research focuses on the biologic and social determinants of health, and on health-care systems. Orr is a consultant with the J.A. Hildes Northern Medical Unit and associate editor of the International Journal of Circumpolar Health. She is vice-president of the Circumpolar Health Research Network, and on the board of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.
Larcombe, Linda, Laurie Ringaert, Gayle Restall, Albert McLeod, Elizabeth Hydesmith, Ann Favel, Melissa Morris, et al. 2023. “‘Because of COVID…’: The Impacts of COVID-19 on First Nation People Accessing the HIV Cascade of Care in Manitoba, Canada.” PLOS ONE 18 (8): e0288984.,
Rhynold, Elizabeth S., Samuel Quan, Pamela H. Orr, Lisa LaBine, Alexander Singer, and Philip D. St John. 2022. “Protective Effects of Prior Third Dose MRNA Vaccination in Rural Nursing Home Residents during SARS-CoV-2 Outbreaks.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 70 (11): 3245–49.,
Larcombe, Linda, Lancelot Coar, Matthew Singer, Lizette Denechezhe, Evan Yassie, Tony Powderhorn, Joe Antsanen, Kathi Avery Kinew, and Pamela Orr. 2020. “Sekuwe (My House): Building Health Equity through Dene First Nations Housing Designs.” International Journal of Circumpolar Health 79 (1): 1717278.
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