Research in the Age of COVID: Resource Guide

On Sept. 21, 2022, researchers from a variety of disciplines discussed their experiences – good, difficult, surprising – in conducting research in the age of COVID. This was an opportunity to reflect, learn, grow & move forward as we figure out how to do research in the middle of a pandemic with far reaching and long lasting human rights implications.
Doing Fieldwork in a Pandemic. A Crowdsourced document initiated and edited by Deborah Lupton in 2020; revised by Deborah Lupton 5 July 2021. Available at:
Adegun, A., & Thompson, S. (2021). Higher COVID-19 rates in Manitoba’s First Nations compared to non-First Nations linked to limited infrastructure on reserves. The Journal of Rural and Community Development, 16(4). ISSN: 1712-8277.
Blacksmith, C., Thompson, S., Hill, S., Thapa, K. & Stormhunter, T. (2021). The Indian Act virus worsens COVID-19 outcomes for Canada’s native people. In Alex Neve (Ed), Canadian Year Book on Human Rights’ special issue on COVID-19, 2021. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Centre for Human Rights Press.
Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research. (2021, Sept. 28). COVID-19 Resources. Retrieved from:
Hill, S. Bonnycastle, M. & Thompson, S. (2020). COVID-19 Policies Increase the Inequity in Northern Manitoba’s Indigenous Communities. In Rounce and Levasseur (Eds), COVID-19 in Manitoba: Public Policy Responses to the First Wave. Winnipeg, University of Manitoba Press.
Hill, Stewart. 2020. The Autoethnography of an Ininiw from God’s Lake, Manitoba, Canada: First Nation Water Governance Flows from Sacred Indigenous Relationships, Responsibilities and Rights to Aski. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.
Love, R.P., Hardy, B.J., Heffernan, C., Heyd, A., Cardinal-Grant, M., Sparling, L., Healy, B., Smylie, J., Long, R.. (2022). Developing Data Governance Agreements with Indigenous Communities in Canada: Toward Equitable Tuberculosis Programming, Research, and Reconciliation. Health and Human Rights Journal 24(1):21-33.
Marino, E., Rivera-Gonzalez, J., Benadusi, M., Dietrich, A., Hamza, M., Jerolleman, A., Adams, K. (2020). COVID-19 and All the Things That Kill Us: Research Ethics in the Time of Pandemic. Practicing Anthropology 42(4): 36–40. doi:
National Centre for Research Methods. 2020. Changing Research Practices. Retrieved from:
Polyzois, P. & Thompson, S. (2021) Practical Mitigation Strategies for Countering the Spread of Aerosolized COVID-19 Virus (SARS-CoV-2) Using Ventilation and HEPA Air Purifiers: A Literature Review. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 9, 166-197. doi: 10.4236/gep.2021.99010.
Roy, R., & Uekusa, S. (2020). Collaborative autoethnography: “self-reflection” as a timely alternative research approach during the global pandemic. Qualitative Research Journal, 20(4): 383-392.
Singh, N., Lokot, M., Undie, C., Onyango, M., Morgan, R., Harmer, A., Freedman, J., and Heidari, S. (2021). Research in forced displacement: guidance for a feminist and decolonial approach. The Lancet 397(10274): 560-562.
Surmiak, A., Bielska, B., Kalinowska, K. (2022). Social Researchers’ Approaches to Research Ethics During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 17(1-2):213-222.
Teti, M., Schatz, E., & Liebenberg, L. (2020). Methods in the Time of COVID-19: The Vital Role of Qualitative Inquiries. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19.
Thompson, S., Bonnycastle, M. & Hill, S. (2020). COVID-19, First Nations and Poor Housing: “Wash hands frequently” and “Self-isolate” akin to “let them eat cake” in First Nations with Overcrowded Homes lacking Piped Water. CCPA: Winnipeg. ISBN: 978-1-77125-505-9. Retrieved from:
Tuhiwai Smith, L. (2020). A story about the time we had a global pandemic and how it affected my life and work as a critical Indigenous scholar. In Routledge Handbook of Critical Indigenous Studies, 1 st ed. Routledge