"No One is Disposable" with Mostafa Henaway

March 2024

Mostafa Henaway

The Centre for Human Rights Research (CHRR) and the Faculty of Arts at the University of Manitoba, hosted Mostafa Henaway (Immigrant Workers Centre – Montreal) for a lecture titled “No One is Disposable: On Migration, Capitalism, and Class in Canada” on March 12, 2024 at the University of Manitoba.

Henaway, a Canadian-born Egyptian, is a long-time community organizer at the Immigrant Workers Centre in Montreal, where he has been organizing for justice for immigrant/migrant workers for over two decades. He is also a researcher and PhD candidate at Concordia University. In his new book, Essential Work, Disposable Workers: Migration, Capitalism and Class, he examines “the massive expansion of precarious work under neoliberalism and how migrant workers are challenging the conditions of their hyper-exploitation through struggles for worker rights and justice.”

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Migrant Justice and Human Rights: A Resource Guide

April 2024

Angela Ciceron

In March 2024, the Centre for Human Rights Research hosted Mostafa Henaway, a long-time community organizer with Immigrant Workers Centre in Montreal. Henaway’s work emphasized the structural and transnational issues propelling migrant workers to undertake precarious work under neoliberal capitalism, as well as efforts made by migrants to resist these structures. This resource guide aims to expand on this conversation by providing resources on the experiences of migrant workers under neoliberalism and their role in Canadian society more broadly.

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Whether you are passionate about interdisciplinary human rights research, social justice programming, or student training and mentorship, the University of Manitoba offers opportunities to support the opportunities most important to you. 


Rethinking Borders: A panel on Transnational Movements, Resistance, Identity, and Gender

April 3, 2023

Dr. Lorena Fontaine, Dr. Shauna Labman, Dr. Rob Lorway, Dr. Shayna Plaut, Dr. Lori Wilkinson

Pacific-centred map. DEMIS Mapserver/Wikimedia

In collaboration with Global College at the University of Winnipeg, our third critical conversation took place on Apr. 3, 2023 and featured Drs. Lorena Fontaine, Shauna Labman, Rob Lorway, Shayna Plaut, and Lori Wilkinson.

The conversation was wide-ranging and touched on a variety of topics. Panelists identified – based on their research and expertise – the borders that matter, how they matter, who made them and why, as well as what they cross, both literally and metaphorically. They also discussed the limits and power of borders, the ways in which their research (or the subjects of their research) cross borders, the research and/or activism that has most guided or inspired them, and the kind of research that is most needed to meet the challenges of the present.