The Right to Clean Water in First Nations: The Photovoice Project (2nd Edition)

April 2, 2024

Colin Bonnycastle

Aerial Image of Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation showing waterways and land.

The right to water and sanitation remains a key focus and modern day human rights issue in Canada. Indigenous communities in Canada are overrepresented with respect to poor water quality and water advisories. Protecting Indigenous rights to water and sanitation is best done by community grassroots approach.

This Photovoice project stems from a 2011 SSHRC Partnership Development Grant led by Prof. Karen Busby (Principal Investigator) and Colin Bonnycastle (Co-Investigator). Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation and the students and staff at Atoskiwin Training & Employment Centre of Excellence Centre (ATEC) created a Photovoice Project to bring awareness to the impacts of unsafe drinking water and sanitation practices in Indigenous communities.

The research remains crucial today as communities continue to advocate for access to clean drinking water.

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The Right to Food and Community Gardens in Winnipeg: The Meadowood Victory Garden

June 2021

Laura Funk Fabiana Li

The COVID-19 pandemic caused disruptions in the food system that have sparked interest in growing food in home and community gardens. This research investigated the concept of “Victory Gardens” (food gardens popularized during wartime) as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, using the Meadowood Victory Garden in Winnipeg as a case study. The research examined the potential of using the city’s green spaces, water and infrastructure to grow food for urban residents during the pandemic and beyond.