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  • Colonialism,
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Doing the Work

July 29, 2021


Pauline Tennent

Join us on August 12, 2021 for “Doing the Work: A virtual Q & A on what settlers need to know about the residential school system in Canada”

Canadians, now more than ever, must act with intention to acknowledge the harmful legacies of the Residential School System and its ongoing impact on Indigenous peoples and communities.

We recognize that many non-Indigenous Canadians may feel lost as to where to start. There may also be questions that you wonder about but feel nervous asking. We are a group of settler historians, educators, and librarians that would like to help play a role.

Join us on Thursday, August 12th at 1:00 pm CST for a virtual Q&A session where our panel will answer your submitted questions and suggest available resources that can help increase awareness and education about residential schools and the impact of colonialism in Canada.

This panel discussion is hosted by the CHRR in collaboration with the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Panelists include Dr. Sean Carleton, Dr. Brian Gettler, Dr. Erin Millions, Dr. Adele Perry, Kara Sievewright, Dr. Andrew Woolford, and Monique Woroniak. Elder Betty Ross from Pimicikamak First Nation and Knowledge Keeper Clayton Sandy will open this important event.



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