Thinking in Pictures
March 15, 2023
Dr. Sean Carleton, Gord Hill, Kara Sievewright, Dr. Julia Smith

On March 15th, 2023, CHRR hosted a virtual workshop learning from activists, artists, writers, and researchers passionate about comics, history and social change.

Research in the Age of COVID
Dr. Pauline Tennent

On Sept. 21, 2022, researchers from a variety of disciplines discussed their experiences – good, difficult, surprising – in conducting research in the age of COVID. This was an opportunity to reflect, learn, grow & move forward as we figure out how to do research in the middle of a pandemic with far reaching and long lasting human rights implications.
In March 2020, when the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic, almost every aspect of our lives abruptly changed. For researchers across diverse disciplines, this included not only the research we do, but importantly, the way we do research. Lockdowns meant the cancelling of overseas travel plans, as well as plans to work in many rural and remote communities. A commitment to social distancing meant that building research relationships and collecting data, which typically relies on face-to-face interactions, moved to virtual settings bringing with it a host of barriers including access and availability of internet and communication networks, use of communication technologies, as well as technical know-how and skill for researchers and community members alike. Many researchers also shifted to new areas of inquiry in response to not only the pandemic but other human rights crises that were occurring alongside.

Recognizing this time of immense change and its impact on the research landscape, on September 21, 2022, the Centre for Human Rights Research at the University of Manitoba focused its Methods and Mediums workshop series on “Research in the Age of COVID.”
Panelists included:
- Michelle Driedger, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba (UM)
- Stewart Hill, Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc.
- Kiera Ladner, Political Science and Mamawipawin, UM
- Shirley Thompson, Natural Resources Institute, UM, and
- Lori Wilkinson, Sociology, UM.
Panelists spoke briefly about their research projects – exploring health communication messaging around the pandemic, water governance in God’s Lake, food insecurity and housing crises in First Nations communities in Manitoba, the impact of the pandemic on Indigenous and newcomer communities throughout Canada, the US and Mexico, as well as the arrival of Afghan newcomers to Canada and their settlement needs and challenges in the midst of a global pandemic. And while these research projects utilized diverse methods (ex., participatory methods, survey data, content analysis, focus groups, in-depth interviews) and methodologies, they all had as a common thread a commitment to research that is critical, emancipatory in nature, ethical, responsive, and rooted in the community.

Our panelists, like other researchers working on issues related to equity and human rights in the context of COVID and neoliberalism, face pressures such as a demand for standardized research, controlled experiments, and a rapid turnaround of data into results. Such approaches are often rooted in colonial structures and frameworks that privilege positivist ways of knowing – they do not, and cannot, capture the complexity of lived experience.
Dr. Janet Smylie, a Métis scholar from the University of Toronto set up an Indigenous clinical research model to respond to unmet COVID-19 response needs for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples living in Tkaronto. Alongside her team, she set up an Indigenous-specific testing centre that subsequently provided vaccination and used a wraparound support model for its clients, where everyone who came was treated in a good way, was supported as needed for their unmet material, health and social service needs, and all received a call back about the test result (even when it was negative). Smylie and her colleagues referred to this approach as “feast testing” as opposed to the “fast food testing” model that was happening at other centres. Echoing the words of Dr. Smylie, panelists shared their concerns over the risk of prioritizing “fast food research” resulting from pressures from government, academia, and from funding agencies. Panelists instead advocated for research that is rooted in an ethics of care, and that can has the time and resources necessary to build trust with communities and develop genuine relationships – virtual or otherwise. They spoke of a need for longitudinal research that can capture that changing complexity of people’s lives in a context of growing inequalities.
“Human rights are our best guide through this crisis and must be embraced in its aftermath.”Alex Neve, Former Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada
COVID-19 is a human rights crisis. It has exposed pre-existing inequalities and inequities in our society and exacerbated those fault lines. Moving forward, research on human rights must account for the ways that the social determinants of health intersect and interact impacting individuals, communities, and society. In the context of not only the pandemic but also in the colonial context that is Canada, there is a particular need for data sovereignty for Indigenous communities to ensure that research works for the needs and desires of the community and contributes to their self-determination.
For more information on ‘Research in the Age of COVID’, please see here as a starting point.

Research in the Age of COVID: Resource Guide

On Sept. 21, 2022, researchers from a variety of disciplines discussed their experiences – good, difficult, surprising – in conducting research in the age of COVID. This was an opportunity to reflect, learn, grow & move forward as we figure out how to do research in the middle of a pandemic with far reaching and long lasting human rights implications.
Doing Fieldwork in a Pandemic. A Crowdsourced document initiated and edited by Deborah Lupton in 2020; revised by Deborah Lupton 5 July 2021. Available at:
Adegun, A., & Thompson, S. (2021). Higher COVID-19 rates in Manitoba’s First Nations compared to non-First Nations linked to limited infrastructure on reserves. The Journal of Rural and Community Development, 16(4). ISSN: 1712-8277.
Blacksmith, C., Thompson, S., Hill, S., Thapa, K. & Stormhunter, T. (2021). The Indian Act virus worsens COVID-19 outcomes for Canada’s native people. In Alex Neve (Ed), Canadian Year Book on Human Rights’ special issue on COVID-19, 2021. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Centre for Human Rights Press.
Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research. (2021, Sept. 28). COVID-19 Resources. Retrieved from:
Hill, S. Bonnycastle, M. & Thompson, S. (2020). COVID-19 Policies Increase the Inequity in Northern Manitoba’s Indigenous Communities. In Rounce and Levasseur (Eds), COVID-19 in Manitoba: Public Policy Responses to the First Wave. Winnipeg, University of Manitoba Press.
Hill, Stewart. 2020. The Autoethnography of an Ininiw from God’s Lake, Manitoba, Canada: First Nation Water Governance Flows from Sacred Indigenous Relationships, Responsibilities and Rights to Aski. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.
Love, R.P., Hardy, B.J., Heffernan, C., Heyd, A., Cardinal-Grant, M., Sparling, L., Healy, B., Smylie, J., Long, R.. (2022). Developing Data Governance Agreements with Indigenous Communities in Canada: Toward Equitable Tuberculosis Programming, Research, and Reconciliation. Health and Human Rights Journal 24(1):21-33.
Marino, E., Rivera-Gonzalez, J., Benadusi, M., Dietrich, A., Hamza, M., Jerolleman, A., Adams, K. (2020). COVID-19 and All the Things That Kill Us: Research Ethics in the Time of Pandemic. Practicing Anthropology 42(4): 36–40. doi:
National Centre for Research Methods. 2020. Changing Research Practices. Retrieved from:
Polyzois, P. & Thompson, S. (2021) Practical Mitigation Strategies for Countering the Spread of Aerosolized COVID-19 Virus (SARS-CoV-2) Using Ventilation and HEPA Air Purifiers: A Literature Review. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 9, 166-197. doi: 10.4236/gep.2021.99010.
Roy, R., & Uekusa, S. (2020). Collaborative autoethnography: “self-reflection” as a timely alternative research approach during the global pandemic. Qualitative Research Journal, 20(4): 383-392.
Singh, N., Lokot, M., Undie, C., Onyango, M., Morgan, R., Harmer, A., Freedman, J., and Heidari, S. (2021). Research in forced displacement: guidance for a feminist and decolonial approach. The Lancet 397(10274): 560-562.
Surmiak, A., Bielska, B., Kalinowska, K. (2022). Social Researchers’ Approaches to Research Ethics During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 17(1-2):213-222.
Teti, M., Schatz, E., & Liebenberg, L. (2020). Methods in the Time of COVID-19: The Vital Role of Qualitative Inquiries. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19.
Thompson, S., Bonnycastle, M. & Hill, S. (2020). COVID-19, First Nations and Poor Housing: “Wash hands frequently” and “Self-isolate” akin to “let them eat cake” in First Nations with Overcrowded Homes lacking Piped Water. CCPA: Winnipeg. ISBN: 978-1-77125-505-9. Retrieved from:
Tuhiwai Smith, L. (2020). A story about the time we had a global pandemic and how it affected my life and work as a critical Indigenous scholar. In Routledge Handbook of Critical Indigenous Studies, 1 st ed. Routledge

Resource Hub
Working with Journalists: Human Rights, Research and the Realities of the Newsroom
March 10, 2022
Lenard Monkman, Helen Fallding
In this interactive workshop Lenard Monkman (CBC Indigenous) and Helen Fallding (former political reporter, Winnipeg Free Press) provide guidance on how students and researchers doing human rights work can appropriately and effectively disseminate their research to a broader audience and get their work “out there”.

Resource Hub
Spreading the Word: Statements, Interviews, and Oral Histories
January 17, 2022
Kaila Johnston, Misha Falk, Dr. Shayna Plaut Dr. Chantal Fiola
As part of the “Methods and Mediums” workshop series, the Centre for Human Rights Research hosted “Spreading the Word”: Statements, Interviews and Oral Histories on January 17th, 2022. The presenters all shared their own experiences, techniques and challenges with different kinds of verbal based data gathering/creating.

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Land Acknowledgement
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Ininew, Anisininew, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.