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Pauline Tennent




Dr. Pauline Tennent (she/her) is a settler scholar who has worked for the past ten years exploring issues relating to reconciliation, settler colonialism, social movements, and social justice. In particular, she has worked with young people to explore their understandings of health and equity, their access to healthcare, their experiences in the workplace, and their experiences of migration and settlement. Pauline has a Masters in Social Sciences from the University of Glasgow, and a PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Manitoba. Her PhD explored how educators in Manitoba understand and experience Indigenous and settler relationships in Canada. Before joining the Centre, Pauline worked with IN●GAUGE at the College of Nursing, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, and the Arthur V. Mauro Institute for Peace and Justice.



Zurba, M., Tennent, P., & Woodgate, R. L. (2017). Worth a thousand words?: advantages, challenges and opportunities in working with photovoice as a qualitative research method with youth and their families. In Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research (Vol. 18, No. 1, p. 22). DEU.

Tennent, P. (2021). “We Live in Different Worlds”: The perspectives of Manitoba educators on settler colonialism, Indigenous-settler relations, and reconciliation. PhD thesis submitted to the University of Manitoba.

Woodgate, R. L., Tennent, P., & Zurba, M. (2017). Navigating ethical challenges in qualitative research with children and youth through sustaining mindful presence. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16(1), 1609406917696743.

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