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Andrew Woolford




Dr. Andrew Woolford is professor of sociology and criminology and former president of the International Association of Genocide Scholars. His research focuses on settler colonial and critical genocide studies, as well as on intersections between ecocidal and genocidal destruction. He is working on two community-based research projects with residential school Survivors: 1) Embodying Empathy, which has designed, built and tested a virtual Indian Residential School to serve as a site of knowledge mobilization and empathy formation; and 2) Remembering Assiniboia, which focuses on commemoration of the Assiniboia Residential School. He has initiated a project on human and other-than-human relations within genocidal processes under the title “symbiogenetic destruction”.


Woolford, Andrew, Katherine B Starzyk, Struan Sinclair, Adam Muller, and David B MacDonald. 2022. “‘I Definitely Felt like I Was There’: Enacting Empathy and Negotiating a Virtual Reality Indian Residential School.” AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples 18 (3): 412–23.

Fontaine, Morgan, Theodore Fontaine, and Survivors of the Assiniboia Indian Residential School. 2021. Did You See Us? Reunion, Remembrance, and Reclamation at an Urban Indian Residential School. Edited by Andrew John Woolford. Perceptions on Truth and Reconciliation 5. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.,

Woolford, Andrew. 2015. This Benevolent Experiment: Indigenous Boarding Schools, Genocide, and Redress in Canada and the United States. U of Nebraska Press.

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