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Darcy MacPherson




Prof. Darcy MacPherson’s research in diverse, covering areas such as corporate law, corporate criminality and disability rights. His service work is largely in the area human rights, particularly as they relate to disability issues. He is both the president and chair of the board of the Canadian Centre on Disability Studies and chair of the steering committee of Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities in Ukraine, a five-year $4.7-million project whose major funder is the Canadian International Development Agency.


Macpherson, Darcy L. 2022a. “‘I Am a Corporation and I Committed a Crime, I Can’t Go Bankrupt’: Recent Cases on the Intersection of Organizational Criminal Liability and Bankruptcy.” Manitoba Law Journal 45 (4): 91–120.,

Macpherson, Darcy L. 2022b. “Trade Unions and Remediation Agreements – Does the Criminal Law Favour Management over Labour?” Manitoba Law Journal 45 (5): 80–109.

MacPherson, Darcy L. 2020. “To What Types of Offences Should the Criminal Code Rules on  Organizational Criminal Liability Apply?: A Comment on 9147-0732  Québec Inc c Directeur Des Poursuites Criminelles et Pénales.” Manitoba Law Journal 43 (4): 107–44.,

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