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Karlee Sapoznik Evans


Deputy Advocate


Dr. Karlee Sapoznik Evans is the Deputy Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth. Her research, teaching, activism and advocacy have focused on the prevention of human trafficking, forced marriage, sexual exploitation, and slavery; the history and legacies of residential schools; social justice and human rights; the Holocaust, genocide, and memory; the best interests of children and youth; and women’s, gender, and oral history. Evans has worked in Sierra Leone, Mali, Peru, Italy, England, Spain, Ukraine, Israel, and the U.S.


Evans, Karlee Sapoznik, Anne Lindsay, and Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair. 2023. “‘Forced to Work ‘Too Hard’: A Case Study of Forced Child Labour and Slavery in Manitoba’s Indian Residential Schools”. At The Forks 1 (1). https://ojs.lib.umanitoba.ca/index.php/forks/article/view/921.,

Sapoznik Evans, Karlee. 2017. “Forced Marriage in Canada: To Criminalize or Not to Criminalize.” Canadian Journal of Human Rights 6: 49.

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