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Linda Larcombe


Associate Professor


Dr. Linda Larcombe’s research is focused on the study of genetic, socio-cultural and environmental factors contributing to infectious disease susceptibility and resistance in Canadian Aboriginal populations. Trained in anthropology, her approach to infectious disease research is multidisciplinary and draws from medical anthropology, immunogenetics, immunology, ancient DNA, geographic information systems, land use studies, history and archaeology to gain new perspectives regarding disease susceptibility and resistance.


Larcombe, Linda, Laurie Ringaert, Gayle Restall, Albert McLeod, Elizabeth Hydesmith, Ann Favel, Melissa Morris, et al. 2023. “‘Because of COVID…’: The Impacts of COVID-19 on First Nation People Accessing the HIV Cascade of Care in Manitoba, Canada.” PLOS ONE 18 (8): e0288984.,

Souleymanov, Rusty, Sana Amjad, Albert McLeod, Michael Payne, Laurie Ringaert, Linda Larcombe, Gayle Restall, and David J. Brennan. 2023. “Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Access to HIV Testing and Condom Use among Two-Spirit, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer (2SGBQ+) Men in Manitoba.” AIDS Care 35 (9): 1306–13.,

Larcombe, Linda, Lancelot Coar, Matthew Singer, Lizette Denechezhe, Evan Yassie, Tony Powderhorn, Joe Antsanen, Kathi Avery Kinew, and Pamela Orr. 2020. “Sekuwe (My House): Building Health Equity through Dene First Nations Housing Designs.” International Journal of Circumpolar Health 79 (1): 1717278.,

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